MX ISO/Agent and VIMAS Ideas

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Configure MXA to distinguish Bank ISO is registered with to ensure Logo on app is appropriate.

Block Wells Registered ISOs access to MPA with logo for Synovus Bank


Please expedite per Sheila Hernandez and Afshin Yazdian. We just learned of a big problem we have with the apps generating from MX. This is a huge compliance issue that needs to be resolved immediately. If an ISO is registered on Wells Fargo and their logo is uploaded into MX to populate on the app it is doing so for merchants boarded both on the FDMS/ Wells Merchant Processing Agreement & the TSYS/ Synovus MPA. Per Judson, he said it was never built to distinguish between Sponsor banks. I am requesting a project be opened to have MXA distinguish when an ISO is registered with one bank and not another, so the logo would only go on the app associated with the bank they are registered with. Compliance's suggestion is as follows:

Add additional fields next to the registraiton field on MXA when editing Porfolio's Head Office Information on the General page. Next to the check box that says registered, I would like to place the registration date and a sponsor bank (see below). That way, an ISO's Merchant Application with thier logo can only generate when if the following filter/criteria applies:
1. Registered box is checked in MX
2. The Registration date is complete in mm/dd/yyyy format (This can be an optional field)
3. A Sponsor Bank MUST BE CHECKED as either Synovus, Wells or both. The ISO will have access to a branded application for only the banks that are checked.
4. The Blank PDF Tagline must distinguish on the Bottom for example, "John Doe ISO is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo N.A., Walnut Creek, CA"
John Doe ISO is a registered ISO of Synovus Bank, Columbus, GA"
Depending on the Sponsorbank selected and the applcation the ISO is registered to generate. Please see the illustration below.


Compliance is estimating the impact at somewhere between $10k to $50k.

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  • Apr 12 2017
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